(EMAILWIRE.COM, March 24, 2009 ) - New York, NY - Liquor Group Wholesale, Inc. (OTCBB: LIQR) is an emerging liquor and wine distribution company representing more than 1700 spirit and wine products with operations in 31 US States. Liquor Group is based in Jacksonville, Florida, and the principals of LIQR also own 10 private distribution companies in a number of those states. Liquor Group is focused on providing a distribution channel for mid-market, nationally and internationally recognized alcohol beverage products. Liquor Group in trade publications and the press is often referred to as the fastest growing full service liquor distribution company in the nation. In terms of spirits brands represented, Liquor Group is the fourth largest distributor in Florida and the fourth largest broker in Michigan. Thus far Liquor Group has had great success building on the sales of midsized brands and creating entirely a market for new brands.