(EMAILWIRE.COM, September 15, 2011 ) Providence, RI -- Rhode Island weight loss population of 246,000 is obese and their bodies are a ticking time bomb ready to explode in the form of a heart attack or stroke. A main reason people are turning to HCG weight loss.
Having a BMI (body mass index) of 30 or more (obese starting point) puts one at greater risk of high cholesterol. And high cholesterol leads to atherosclerosis, a dangerous accumulation of cholesterol and other deposits on the walls of the arteries. These blood flow reducing deposits are called plaques. A blood clot forms where plaques tear or rupture thus blocking blood flow and plugging an artery downstream. One will have a heart attack if blood flow to their heart stops. And if blood flow is blocked to the brain, they will have a stroke.
Cholesterol is attached to proteins and carried throughout the blood. The protein and cholesterol combination is called a lipoprotein. There are 3 types of lipoproteins.
• LDL (low-density lipoprotein) or “bad” cholesterol builds up in the walls of the artery making them hard and narrow.
• VLDL (very low density lipoprotein) has the most triglycerides which makes LDL cholesterol larger in size and further causes the blood vessels to narrow.
• HDL (high-density lipoprotein) or “good” cholesterol picks up excess cholesterol and takes it back to the liver.
LDL is the major transport protein for cholesterol and supplies both free and esterified cholesterol to the body tissues. Dr. Simeons who pioneered the use of HCG for weight loss observed that, “Cholesterol circulates in two forms, which we call free and esterified. Normally these fractions are present in a proportion of about 25% free to 75% esterified cholesterol, and it is the latter fraction which damages the walls of the arteries. In pregnancy this proportion is reversed and it may be taken for granted the arteriosclerosis never gets worse during pregnancy for this very reason.” He also observed that this phenomenon also takes place during the treatment of obesity with the HCG diet.
Dr. Simeons also wrote, “When the total amount of circulating cholesterol is normal before treatment, this absolute is neither significantly increased nor decreased. But when an obese patient with abnormally high cholesterol and already showing signs of arteriosclerosis is treated with HCG shots, his blood pressure drops and his coronary circulation seems to improve, and yet his total blood cholesterol may soar to heights never before reached. At first this greatly alarmed us. But when we saw that the patients came to no harm even if treatment was continued and we found the same in follow-up examinations undertaken some months after treatment was continued as we found in examinations undertaken some months before treatment. As the increase is mostly in the form of the not dangerous form of the free cholesterol, we gradually came to welcome the phenomenon. Today we believe that the rise is entirely due to the liberation of recent cholesterol deposits that have not yet undergone calcification in the arterial wall and is therefore highly beneficial.”
Medically supervised Rhode Island HCG program is available from the comfort of oneÂ’s home. Call Slim Spa Medical with questions at 800-208-6533 and their medical staff will follow up weekly to update oneÂ’s medical chart.