(EMAILWIRE.COM, September 15, 2011 ) Houston, TX -- Many people enjoy watching the changing seasons, and in many parts of the country we find ourselves at that time of the year when the shifting from one season to another seems most enjoyable. In many parts of the country, the lush green foliage gradually fades to an autumn rainbow of yellow-orange-red-brown. Cool air brings light jackets out of closets. Pumpkins and decorative corn begin to appear on porches and doorsteps.
But seasons are not the only things that change. When it comes to some changes, we at Social Security need to know about them.
If them.
If you receive Social Security benefits, there are certain things that we need to know about you in order to continue paying your benefits. Here is a reminder of some of the most important reporting responsibilities for people who receive Social Security or Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
Your address. Even if you receive your payments by direct deposit or debit card (as most people do), we still need a good mailing address so we can get in touch with you when we need to. You can inform us of a change of address, as well as telephone number, at our website, www.socialsecurity.gov.
Your direct deposit information. If your payments go to your financial institution for direct deposit, you need to notify us of any changes. If you change your account information without letting us know, your payment could go to the wrong place. You can change your deposit information at our website, www.socialsecurity.gov.
Your work, if disabled. If you receive disability benefits, we need to know about any work you do. If you start work, stop work, or have any change in your work, hours, or pay, we need to know.
Your living arrangements, if you receive SSI. People who receive SSI are paid, in part, based on financial need. Payments may change based on your living arrangements. Because of that, we need to know how many people are in your household and how the expenses are shared. There are other things we need to know about, such as if youÂ’re institutionalized, if youÂ’re no longer able to handle your finances, or if youÂ’ve been convicted of a crime.
Some changes can be reported online at www.socialsecurity.gov. You can report changes to us by calling 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) or contacting your local office.
Seasons change; thereÂ’s little to report there. But when it comes to changes in the lives of people who receive benefits from Social Security, please remember to keep us informed.